
Children’s Activities August 26, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am


Attendance: 1) Eric 2) Gabriel 3)Daniel 4) Hanna and 5) Sarah



I let Eric lead the prayer “Our Father” as our opening prayer.


Today is the Culmination of Ms. Eiko. All the children prepared a presentation.


We have visitors today, they are Mr. Hiro, Mr. Mackie and of course Ms. Eiko.


I let the children introduce themselves to the guests. I want them to develop their confidence in talking to the audience. Then the guests introduce themselves.


This session will have a group dance. They performed the dance “Teach Me How to Doggie”. They only practiced just once last Sunday. Sarah is their choreographer. Hanna knows the dance too. After the dance, Hanna  performed an interpretative dance. She was very confident. I just asked the children who else will perform for Ms. Eiko. She raised her hand and I look for the song in the internet and then she performed. Afterwards, a gace them the ‘Thank You” cards that they made and they chorused in reading the contents. They then individually gave them to Ms. Eiko. Ms. Eiko gave them an inspirational talk.


Mr. Hiro then gave the children some plastic Japanese mask, plastic samurai sword and plastic baseball bat and ball. They were so happy to receive the gifts. The girls are complaining they don’t have toys. I told them it’s okay because the toys brought are for boys. They got plastic masks anyway.


Snacks were served. They have spaghetti with sliced bread and Mango/Strawberry juice. They enjoyed their snacks. They said it’s “lami” and they are very “busog”. The children then washed their plates and tumblers. They brushed their teeth using Eiko’s donated toothpaste in strawberry and melon flavor. They liked the strawberry because it taste like lollipop.


A group picture was taken afterwards.


At 10:00am, Daniel lead the closing prayer “Angel of God”. The children hurriedly went home because they are excited to play with the toys they’ve got and boast them with their neighbors.

I thanked C.G,  Ma. A.M and  who helped me prepare the Spaghetti and juice.



2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

Attendance: 1.) Fortune  2.) Lily 3.) James  4.) Rachel 5) Jack  6.) Dorothy

                    7.) Mike 8.) Anna  9.) Charles 10.) Ava  11.) Nikky


We started at 10:30am. We had our morning greetings to everyone and specially our guests.
Anna was the first to introduce herself. She speaks very well about her introduction. Then the others followed. After everyone had spoken about themselves, it was the guests turn to introduce themselves to the children. Mr. Hiro is a bit funny. He let the children guess his age. The children would say 20? He will say higher. 21? 22? 23? He was so happy because his age is already 42. He will say thank you  that the children thought he was still young. The children then asked him what’s his talent, he said dancing. Children was shouting “sample” with matching clapping of their hands.
So Hiro showed them his hiphop dance.  Then it was Mackie’s turn to introduce himself.
But the children recognized  him already. He was the mosr popular among the guests. When he let the children guess his age, Dorothy remembered that when he was here 2 years ago, he was 20. So Dorothy guess right away his age 22.


I let Rachel take over my place and play as emcee in the program they made for their Ate Eiko. Her cohost by the way is Fortune.

Below is their program




WHEN: AUGUST 26,2012



(to be lead by Lily and Anna)

II.        National Anthem

               (to be lead by Fortune)

III.      Exercise Call me maybe:

(to be lead by James, Mike,Jack, Rachel,Fortune,Lily)

IV.     Greetings

V.        Presentations

I.             Renilyn Group (Rachel,Nikky,Ava) (Dance number)

II.           Lily and Fortune Group (Lily,Fortune,Anna,Mike , Jack Dorothy)

III.          Renilyn group (Rachel,Nikky,Ava) (song number)


IV.         Renilyn Group (Rachel,Nikky,Ava,Jack) (Song number)

V.           Inspirational Message of Ate Eiko

VI.         Closing Song

(to be lead by all SAPNAY Children)

I have given the task to the class officers so that they will be motivated to handle an event of their own. Bright ideas will pop out in such a short notice.


Before Ms. Eiko’s message, the children one by one read their “Thank you” cards to her.
Ms. Eiko was holding on her tears. But it flowed when they all hugged her after her speech and during the picture taking the children played a Goodbye song. It was Joeven who first had tears in his eyes and all the children followed including Ms. Eiko and me. It was a very sad moment even during the picture taking, the children sing the song to Ms. Eiko. She was wiping her face because tears flowed in her eyes. She knows that she will miss the children.


We served them Spaghetti, sliced bread and juice. During this time children talked about the sadness they feel for Ms. Eiko. They all wished her well and hope that she will visit again Sapnay and never forget them.


All the children washed their plates and tumblers then they brushed their teeth.I let them try the toothpaste that Ms. Eiko gave. Anna was tasting them and it taste good. While some children are cleaning up their plates and tumblers, the others conversed with Ms. Eiko and Mackie. Hiro entertained the children using cards for his magic tricks. He was sweating for the many performance of his reading of the minds of the children on what card they choose and he can pop them up from the deck of cards. They were so amazed of his card tricks. According to the children, he really has power to read the card in their minds. They really enjoyed Mr. Hiro. I asked the children that we will say our closing prayers. The just answered me later. They were afraid that I will let them go home soon. With Mr. Kazu’s approval, they played for a while. At exactly 12:30pm, we say our closing prayers by making a big circle, holding hands and singing the “Our Father” hymn. Anna and Dorothy stayed in the room.


I thanked E.J and Ma. N.M for helping me out during the serving of the Spaghetti and juice.



3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm


Attendance: Ashley, Chloe, Kayla and Andrew



We started at 1:10pm. It was their first time to meet with each other. It was good that Ashley and Andrew were there early because they haven’t made a “thank you” card for Ms.Eiko. I let Ashley make a program for their presentation. She was able to make a program so fast. First we prayed and the high school students introduced themselves to the guests. On the other hand, the guests introduced themselves. Ted arrived and was able to join.


Ashley lead the opening pray “Hail Mary”.


Ashley was then the emcee that afternoon. They had individual presentation. They each sang a song for Ms. Eiko and Kayla had a solo dance performance. I was glad that Ashley made an effort to make a program for Ms. Eiko. She was indeed entertained by Ashley because she was funny and always smiling. She likes to talk to the guests. In general, she is the most talkative among them. After the performance, Ms. Eiko gave her inspirational talk to them. Afterwards, each and everyone read their Thank you”  cards and gave them to their Ate Eiko.


Then their snacks were served. Spaghetti and softdrinks. Afterwards while I was cleaning up and the children washing their plates and tumblers, Ashley was talking with Mr. Hiro and asking a lot of questions. Kayla and Cchloe also asked questions to Ted and Hiro. They enjoyed talking to them.


At exactly 3:00pm, Mr. Kazu asked me if it’s time to go. I told him I am just waiting for the go signal from him since Ashley was having a good conversation with the guests. So he approached Ashley and said it was time to say goodbye.


Chloe lead the closing prayer “Angel of God”. 





Children’s Activities August 19, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am

 Attendance: 1) Sarah 2) Daniel 3) Gabriel 4) Hannah  and 5) Eric

I let Gabriel lead the prayer “Our Father” as our opening prayer.

We have a visitor today, she is Ms. Yumiko, a Japanese. I let the children introduce themselves to our guest. Gabriel  was always covering his pink t-shirt with his notebook. He was ashamed that his mother let him wear a girl’s shirt with pastel print. He cannot stand straight because he is covering his shirt with both his hands. I remembered there is 1 shirt in the cabinet, so I let him wear it and he looked and feel fine right away. Then Ms. Japanese introduced herself to the children. The children asked questions about her family, her ambition in life and her husband.

 Since we will be having Culmination for Ms. Eiko next Sunday, I let the children make a thank you card. The children cannot make the sayings, I provided them and let them copy from the board. All they have to do is to decorate the card on their own. The five of them successfully made the thank you card for Ms. Eiko. Afterwhich, I let the children practice their presentation. They will all perform a group dance.

(noted by Lomi; Ms Eiko is one of the Japanese volunteers who has been volunteer for a long time, so we start missing her :(

After the practice, I served them pancake and full cream cold milk. Everybody enjoyed their snacks. They were requesting if they can have milk instead of juice in the next Sundays to come. I just smiled at them. All the children have white moustache after drinking their milk all the way down. They washed their plates and tumblers then brushed their teeth.

We said our closing prayer. The children, Ms. Yumiko and I pose for a group picture. At 9:50am, the children went home.

I thanked Sarah's mom, and Gabriel's mom who helped me prepare children’s  snacks.


2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

Attendance: 1.) Jack 2.) Lily 3.) Mike 4.) Fortune

                    5.) Charles 6.) Rachel 7.) Anna

                    8.) Dorothy 9.) Ava 10.) Nikky

(James is absent. I called him up before the time. He told me that his mother is sick. They didn’t sell that day.)

(Noted by Lomi ; James's mom is selling candles in front of the church to the people who attend the services.)


We started at 10:35am. Fatima and Rachel lead the prayer, “You are My All in All”. They performed an action prayer song. Mike, Charles and Jack lead the “My Head, My shoulder” exercise.

After the children’s morning greetings, I let the children introduce themselves to our Japanese guest, Ms. Yumiko. Lily was the first to introduce herself. She delivered her introduction with confidence. The children took turns in introducing themselves to Ms. Yumiko. Charles has a low key among them. I told him to speak louder.

Our topic for today are “Kindness and Politeness”. I let Jack read about “Kindness” in the book. I explained to them what “kindness” is all about. Helping others without being told is one example. Being a helping hand to their mothers and siblings. I let Anna read the first page about “Politeness”. Anna also is a good reader. She pronounces the words very well. I let Nikky read the second page about “Politeness” since she arrived late. She arrived around 10:40am. Rachel site some examples about “politeness” like blessing the hands of our parents, especially grandparents. It is a Filipino tradition that when we arrive in our house, we bless the hand of all our elders living with us. Saying the words please, thank you and your welcome are examples of  polite words. Excuse me also is used when you need to interrupt elders talking because you have an important thing to say to them or when you burp after meals.  I told them also that they should apply the values learn during Sundays in their homes.

I told them about Ms. Eiko’s culmination next Sunday. Everyone was busy making their thank you card. Only the front of the card was finished. The inside of the card, I made them their homework because we only have a little time. We will be having practice on Thursday for their presentation. I let them clean the area where they made their thank you cards so that I can serve their snacks.

We served them pancakes and cold milk. Except for Donna, she doesn’t like milk but I already bought Milo (chocolate drink in powder form). I just add a little Milo in her milk and she drank them all the way down. She was so “busog” that she used the comfort room to relieve her aching stomach because she was full.

All the children washed their plates and tumblers then they brushed their teeth.

At 12:30pm we sang our closing prayer while holding hands sitting down forming a big circle

The children stayed until 1:00 pm.

I thanked E.J and H,S for helping me out during the cooking of the pancakes and preparing cold milk
drink for the children.


3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Attendance: Kayla (She arrived very early to compensate last week that she was absent due to many house chores her mother task her to do.

(Chloe asked permission last Saturday from me that she has to attend the stage show in University of San Carlos. It is compulsory. You still have to pay p70 even if you opt not to watch the show.)

(Andrew is absent also because he has to attend the foundation that her sister joined because it is a must for all the family.)

(Ashley is absent.)

We started at 1:15pm. Only Kayla was present. She arrived at 12:00noon. She lead opening

 “Our Father”. I let her introduced herself to Ms. Yumiko and reverse.

I let Kayla read the first page about “Kindness” and the first page also of “Politeness”. I let Ms. Yumiko read the second page of politeness. I explained to them how important is to be kind. We should use polite words as a sign of respect to others.

I lead our closing prayer.

At exactly 2:30 pm, Mr. Kazu, Ms. Yumiko and I went out to the office. We proceed and have a house visit to Daniel’s and Charles’s house.



Children’s Activities August 12, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am

Attendance: 1) Gabriel ,2) Eric 3) Sarah 4)Hanna and 5) Daniel

I let Sarah lead the prayer “Angel of God” as our opening prayer.

We have many visitors this day. I let the children introduce themselves to our guests. Then Ms. Mao, Ms. Mica, Ms. Mizuho, Ms.Honoka and Ted introduced themselves to the children.

Ms. Mica, Ms. Mizuho and Ms.Honoka taught the children how to sing and dance the Vegetable song. Then they made a big circle and played pass the bottle when the music is played. If the music will change, the bottle will be passed at the reverse direction.When the music stops, the one who has the bottle is out of the game. Sarah won in this game.

It was Ms. Mao’s turn to teach the children about music. She let them read the notes that she wrote on the colored paper. Ted helped her flashed the notes in front of the children. Ms. Mao let them clapped their hand according to the notes that they read. Eric was very attentive. You can see on his face that he wants to learn. He always raises his hand. Daniel on the other hand is very shy but when Ms. Mao called him to perform, he obediently did it successfully. Everybody was so happy for him. This time, Ms. Mao used a tambourine to play the notes. Everybody tried the tambourine. Ms. Mao also teach them how to play the notes on a piano. Ms. Mao blew air through the nozzle attached to the piano and a note will be played. Everybody took turns in playing the piano. Ms. Mao also played the flute. She played the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the flute. It sounded so wonderful.

I already cooked in our house their snacks “Bami”. We served them “Bam i”, sliced bread and “puso”. The children used their chop sticks to eat their snacks. All the Japanese guests were also ready to teach the children how to hold their chopsticks. Eric was the first to finish his snacks. As usual, it was Hanna who finished last.

Hanna lead the closing prayer. At 10:10 am, the children went home.

I thanked C,G, Ma. A and J who helped me prepare their snacks. They all cooked the “puso” and helped me serve them to the children.


2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

Attendance: 1.) James2.) Jack 3.) Mike 4.) Fortune  5.) Charles 6.) Nikky 7.) Rachel 8.) Anna

                       9.) Dorothy 10.) Ava 11.) Lily


We started at exactly 10:30am. Fatima and Rachel lead the prayer. They performed an action prayer song “Give Thanks”. James leads the “Follow the Leader” exercise. Ms. Eiko arrived at this time.

After the children’s morning greetings, I let the children introduce themselves to our Japanese guests. Fortune was the first to introduce herself. She was laughing because she is so shy. Anna was very eager to introduce herself just like in a beauty pageant. Rachel also introduced herself with pride. The rest of the scholars just say their names, the grade and school they are in.

All the Japanese guests introduce themselves specially Ms. Mica, Ms. Honoka, Ms. Mizuho, Ms. Mao, Ted and Apollo. Apollo donated curls and biscuits which I served them all during snack time. Ms. Mica, Ms. Honoka and Ms. Mizuho taught the children many things. They practice their chopsticks by picking red beans from a paper cup to the other. They also had message relay. The children formed 2 lines. The game is called message relay. The Japanese person at the back whispers the message to the child in front and tells her message until it reaches at the front and whisper it to the “Moderator” the answer and she will determine who speaks the correct Japanese word. The group of Rachel won the game.

It was Ms. Mao’s turn to teach them about music. The children learned quickly because some have lessons already in school. She taught them how to read the notes, through clapping the hands to familiarize the notes. Then it was applied on the piano and flute. The children tried also to play the tambourine. Ms. Mao donated the used tambourine, flute and piano to Sapnay. The children thanked Ms. Mao for her generousity. Everybody took turns using the musical instruments.

We served the snacks “Bam I” to the children and we let our guest taste the “Bam i” and “puso” that we made. The children were ready with their chopsticks. The guests as well taught the children how to use the chopstics. Everybody liked our food, they say “lami” meaning delicious. Afterwards, they washed their plates and tumblers and brushed their teeth. At 12:45pm, we formed a big circle and sat on the floor. We sang the “Our Father” prayer for our closing prayer as we hold hands. Ms. Mao went out first and then Apollo left afterwards.

The children stayed until 1:00 pm.

I thanked Y.Y and R,S for helping me out during the serving of the snacks to the Japanese guest and children.

3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Attendance: Chloe, Andrew, Ashley,

Kayla is absent.

We started at 1:15pm. Only Catherine was present at 1:00 pm. Andrew arrived at 1:13pm so we started our session with an opening prayer at exactly 1:15pm. Ashley arrived at 1:35 pm.  

Chloe lead the opening prayer, “Our Father”.

Ms. Mica, Ms. Honoka, and Ms. Mizuho teach the high school students a game. First, they are to draw what fruit they like. They have to choose only 3. Namely, banana, pineapple, strawberry and they have different colors at the sides. Then they all got chairs and formed a circle. 1 participant stands at the center. She will say “I will choose pineapple”. All with pineapple on their head should transfer to another chair. The one who cannot sit down is the one who will pick what fruit or color she likes. She can also choose fruit basket, meaning everybody will stand up. One should be quick in thinking what fruit or color you would like to stand up to transfer places. Ms. Eiko and Mr. Kazu joined the high school students. They had wonderful time together.

I then served their snacks while the 3 young Japanese girls bid goodbye to the children because they have to go some place. The high school students were left eating their “bam I”, “puso” and slice bread as their snacks. Ashley brought her calculator because the answer of the numbers key in to the calculator will display fractions. It was Ted who helped them solved their problem with their calculator. Thanks to Ted. The children then washed their plates and tumblers and brushed their teeth.

Ashley lead our closing prayer.

At exactly 3:00 pm, we all went out to the office. We proceed and have a house visit to Chloe’s house. At 4:30pm we all went home.



Children’s Activities August 5, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am

Attendance: 1) Eric, 2) Gabriel, 3) Sarah and 4)Hanna

(Danniel is absent)

I let Gabriel lead the prayer “Angel of God” as our opening prayer.

I let them copy a poem in their notebooks. Last time they copied already 2 pages. Today, they will finish the 7 pages. As usual, Eric is very hardheaded. I always remind him to bring his notebook but he always forget to bring it during activity. Now he is writing on the paper. I warned him that next Sunday, he should bring his notebook.  He was the slowest to copy the poem but his handwriting was improving. Very neat and readable. Genesis was fast but his handwriting was not good. On the next blank page of their notebook, I let them draw a girl in the picture to their notebooks for Sarahand Hanna, they draw a boy for Gabriel and Erick. Everyone colored them with the crayons that our visitors gave them.

Afterwards, C.G and I served them  noodles in a cup. Mr. Kazu donated chopsticks so that the children can learn how to use it. He demonstrated to the children. It was Sarah who learned first how to use the chopsticks. Hanna was very silent while trying to eat her noodles with chopsticks. Gabriel and Eric were challenged by the girls. Later they already know how to use them Everybody ate their noodles and gulp their soup except Hanna who ate only half. Everybody was happy that now they learned how to use chopsticks. 

Gabriel lead the closing prayer. At 10:00 am, the children went home.

I thanked C.G and M.A who helped me prepare their snacks – Cup noodles, bread and juice.



2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

Attendance: Fortune, Rachel, James , Ava, Mike, Anna, Dorothy,Lily, Nikky 

(Jack is absent.)

(Charles is absent. Her mother texted me at 7:00am in the morning. Because of Ironman, Triathlon, their roads are closed and  no one is allowed to cross the streets because they might get hit by the participants of the said event.)


We started at exactly 10:30am. Fortune and Rachel lead the prayer. They performed an action prayer song. Everybody performed “Call me Maybe Dance” as their exercise with James as the leader. I was performing the dance too at the back. After the exercise, we clapped our hands for James who was very cooperative and shared with us his knowledge in dancing which he learned from Bangkal Elementary School. Faortune even commented that James was not ashamed to perform a dance in front of everybody!

Today, our topic is about “Helpfullness”. I let Fortune read the first page about the topic, then Anna for the next page and James for the last page. I want them to read because I want to correct them the pronunciation of the words. Afterwards, I let them enumerate as many as they can the value they have encountered on their daily lives in school, in their house and in the office. The more they enumerate, the more points they will get. Rachel got the highest score of 33 points while Fortune got the lowest score of 8.

Afterwards, it was a unanimous decision that they elect the Sapnay scholar officers. They elected the following:

President: Rachel

Vice President: Nikky

Secretary: Lily

Treasurer: Anna

PRO’s: Mike and Dorothy

Sgt-at-Arms: James and Ava

No parent was able to help me in preparing the snacks of the children. Nenfa dropped by and told us that she has an emergency meeting with her boss. Marites on the otherhand was also absent since Chrisjiem was not around. Mr. Kazu voluntarily helped me in preparing their noodles and setting up the table.

We served the noodles and we gave them the chopsticks. I announced to them that Mr. Kazu will teach them how to use the chopsticks properly. I instructed them to write their names on the chopsticks so that they will not be interchange. Mr. Kazu then demonstrated to the children how to use them. It was Anna who learned first. Lane Lily was not happy to eat her noodles with chopsticks. She never learned. She ate her noodles using 1 stick only. Mike, on the other hand don’t like to eat noodles. He gave his share to Rachel and Anna. He just ate bread. According to him, he will have headache when he smells the noodles. Indeed at the end of the snack time, he had headache! The children were happy that they enjoyed using chopsticks in eating noodles. I let them bring their chopsticks at home and practice using it. Maybe during lunchtime, they will be using chopsticks, not spoon and fork. The children told Mr. Kazu since they learned to use chopsticks, Mr. Kazu should learn how to use his hands in eating just like the Filipinos. He commented that he had seen Filipinos eat with their bare hands inside plastic so that the hand will not get dirty! After eating, the children were happy that they are not washing dishes because the cup is disposable. They just wash their sticks and tumblers. They then brushed their teeth.   

At 12:30, we say our closing prayer “Angel of God” holding each other’s hands. I bade the children goodbye and they all chorused that they will stay longer and they played. Before 1:00pm, they went home because some were being fetched by their parents.


3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Attendance: Chloe, Andrew, Ashley, and Kayla

Chloe was the earliest to arrive. She arrived at 12:40pm. Andrew arrived at 1:10, Ashley arrived at 1:25pm because her parents were quarelling, and nobody will tend the store. So we started the session at 1:15pm. Kayla arrived at 2:15pm which I considered her absent. According to Kayla, she has a lot of errands to do which her mother commanded.

Andrew lead the opening prayer, “Our Father”.

At the start, we discussed the topic “Helpfullness”. I read the first page and discussed them to Chloe and Andrew. Chloe read the 2nd page and site some examples she encountered in  school, at home and in the office. Andrew read the 3rd page and site also some examples he encountered in the mentioned places. Then Ashley arrived. I let her read the 3 pages and let her also site some examples which she happily shared to us. When we are about to finish the topic, Kayla arrived. I told her that we are done and we will proceed eating their snacks. I prepared for their snacks while Mr. Kazu was setting up the table. Noodles were served as their snacks. I distributed the chopsticks and let them write their names on them. Mr. Kazu then taught the children how to use the chopsticks. At first they had difficulty and it was Ashley who learned first. It was Kayla who learned last. But Chloe was complaining that she will never be full if she uses chopsticks. Andrew on the other hand learned later without complaining. At the end of the session, they thanked Mr. Kazu for providing them and teaching them how to use the chopsticks. I then have the calculator to Andrew and the 3 girls were discussing that they got wrong answers using the calculator. They told me that there was no English instruction in it. So I got Andrew’s calculator and check on the box if it had English instruction and there was indeed inside. The 3 girls will then check their English instructions because they assuming that the available was only in Spanish, German and they didn’t bother to check the one left. Next Sunday, they will compare notes and bring their calculators. They then wash their sticks and tumblers. They brushed their teeth.

 At 3:00 pm, Ashley say our closing prayer “Glory Be”, then they all went home.