
Children’s Activities June 24,2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am

Attendance: 1)Sarah 2)Hannah 3)Daniel and 4) Eric
(Gabriel was absent. Her mother forgot to send him to our office.)


 We had visitors namely Megomi, Ms. Eiko and her Canadian friend Ms. Lauren.

I let Sarah lead the prayer “Our Father” as our opening prayer. As our exercise, I teach them the action song “I’ve Got Joy”.  The visitors also joined us in performing the action song. Then I let the children introduced themselves to our visitors likewise our visitors introduced themselves to the children. I let the children write the Good Manners and Right Conduct on the paper and decorate their work. In this way, I will know whether who writes neatly, has a beautiful penmanship, and who’s creative. Afterwards, at 9:30am everybody had their snacks. As usual, after eating, they washed their tumblers and brushed their teeth. I let H lead the closing prayer. Afterwards, Mr. Kazu took a picture of us with the guests. I thanked J. B and C. G who helped me prepare their snacks.

 At 10:00 the class was dismissed.


2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm


Attendance: Fuku, Dorothy,  Anna , Lily, Rachel, Nikky, Chrarles, James, Mike, Ava

Jack is absent. (He showed at 2pm but Mr. Kazu adviced me to send him home and I reminded him that his schedule is 10:30am. I texted also his father about the reminder.)


We had additional visitors namely Ms. Ai, her husband Mickey and his coworker Watanabe.

 We started at exactly 10:30am. Rachel and Fuku lead the prayer. We performed with them My All in All. For the exercise, Anna and Dorothy performs in front while the others followed them while watching Maru Maru Mori Mori in the “youtube”. Afterwards I let the children introduce themselves to our visitors. Likewise, our visitors take turn in introducing themselves and the children were asking questions like what is your favorite food?, what is your talent?, how many kids do you want?, where did Mickey meet Ai? If they have talent, they want a sample of their talent. Ai was walking like a model, Lily danced a sample of Samba and Mickey showed his talent in eating and swimming while Watanabe showed his talent in sleeping. Megomi loves to go to ukay-ukay. I was not spared in introducing myself and showed my talent in singing. I was asking Mr. Kazu to also introduced himself and he told everyone, finished the introduction and everybody laughed.


My first lesson was about Love for God. I asked the children to enumerate how to show their love for God. Everybody was thinking and taking turns in raising up their hands. I called the shy ones like Nikky, Anna, Charles, Mike and James. I also asked them to show their talents to show their love for God. Rachel render a song about God. Anna and Dorothy performed an action song and Lily also sang a song. Everybody enjoyed the show. Afterwards it was Ms. Ai’s turn to teach them what to draw as their first art project. Everyone got busy. Anna was always complaining that she doesn’t have any idea. Lily on the other hand was not ready. She finished her work last and also Mike. When Ms. Ai told them they have to draw the moment when they are happiest and explain about their drawing. Again Anna was complaining. But it turned out that her work was okey. In fact, she finished first! Again you can see their works on the dropbox. I want you to know how they progress through their work on the spot. Only R.M helped me in preaparing their snacks. I will discuss this during the parent’s meeting that parents should take turns in helping preparing snacks for the children.


At 12:15pm they ate their snacks, washed the dishes and brushed their teeth. Ms. Ai then distributed her gifts to the children.

 We then pose with our visitors while Mr. Kazu takes pictures of 5 cameras that flashed in front of us.

 At 1:10 pm, we prayed our closing prayer and they bade each other goodbye, the visitors and the children leaving only Megomi.


3rd  Session – High School

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm


Attendance: Ashley and Chloe (She’s the earliest to arrive. According to her she stopped washing their clothes and will continue when she go home after the activity)


We started at 2:10pm. Only Chloe was around. At 12:20pm Ashley arrived. We are very happy at least we can have a class. It is not a one man show afterall. We started with a prayer and they introduced themselves to Megomi. Megomi in return introduced herself to them. Afterwards, I gave them a project. Since Mr. Kazu gave me the group pictures, I decided to let the high school scholars make them, Using only the materials in the box, I taught them how to be creative and resourceful in making a project. Indeed a beautiful work of art was done.  At 4:30 they eat their snacks and at 4:45pm we had our closing prayer.

 At 4:50pm, Chloe and Ashley marched home.

 At 5:00 pm R.S had to accompany us in their house for a visit. Mr. Kazu, Megomi, R.S and I went out in the office to proceed where Ava lived.



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