
Children’s Activities September 16, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am


Attendance: 1) Eric 2) Danniel3) Sarah 4) Hanna 5) Gabriel


I let Hanna lead the prayer “Our Father” as our opening prayer.


We have 3 Japanese student volunteers today. They are Yuri, Home and Rin. We have 2 new Japanese visitors from ESL school. They are Sauri and Migomi. Sauri speaks English well. The children was amazed and they understand what she said. After the children’s morning greetings to us and the visitors, I let the children introduce themselves. Each and everyone took turns in telling something about themselves. Then the guests introduce themselves. Also Lou is back and have a special announcement to the children. She explained to the children how important  the meals we eat everyday. Eating meals give us energy and power. She also warned the children that eating too much junk foods is not good. They should eat a balance diet. They should eat meat, fish, vegetables, bread and fruits. Today she will be cooking banana pancake with chocolate syrup.


The Japanese student volunteers review the song and dance they learned last Sunday. They sang and danced also “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. They also taught the children some Japanese words for hello, goodbye, help me, friend, thank you, you’re welcome and what is your name. They had fun learning some words.  For their activity, they are coloring the angry bird. Eric has the most angry bird and Hanna has the most beautiful angry bird.  


It was snack time. We served pancake and Milo drink to the children. Lou cooked a big pancake. As big as their plate. Most of them weren’t able to eat the whole pancake because they were very full already. So they just have them take out, like they are eating from a restaurant. I gave them a plastic cellophane so that they can store their pancake. The children were then given a Japanese  toy drum made by Rin, Yuri and Home. He children were very happy to have a toy to take home and brag to their neighbors. A group picture was taken with their toy drums in their hands.


At 10:00am the children chorused in thanking Lou for the delicious and nutritious pancake she made for them. We then said our closing prayer “Angel of God”.


I thanked C.G and Ma. A. M who helped me prepare the Milo and helped Lou also while they learned how to cook banana pancakes.


2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm


Attendance: 1.) James 2.) Jack  3.) Mike  4.) Fourtune 

                   5.) Lily  6) Charlse 7.) Dorothy    8.) Anna 9.)  Ava
                  10.) Rachel        11.) Nikky




We started at 10:30am. Our opening prayer was “Who am I” which Anna and Lily are the leaders. For our exercise, James  was the leader. The song “Insomnia” as his music, he turned it into an exercise. He learned this from his school in Bankal Elementary School. I admire him so much because he shares to his co-scholars what he learned from his school. We clapped our hands after the performance.


Our guests are Yuri, Rin, Home, Sauri, Migomi and Lou. After the children introduce themselves one by one, it was our visitors turn to introduce themselves.   Sauri and Migomi were very happy to see the children and they ask questions and they also answered them. Lou was the last to introduce herself. She knelt down in front of the children who were sitting down. She asked them why do we need meals? Of course they saw the word energy of the next page, so they chorused energy! Lou explained that eating meals give us power and energy. Children should eat a balanced diet. They should eat pork, fish, bread, fruits and vegetables. They should not eat too much junkfoods like potato chips, coke and others  because it can harm their body. And most specially, Lou said to always give thanks for the food we eat everyday.


 The Japanese student volunteers review the children what they learned last Sunday, specially the song and dance. They also taught them “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and taught them also Japanese words of hello, good bye,thank you, you’re welcome, help me, friend, and what is your name. At first, they read them then they fold the paper so that the children cannot see the Japanese words. They are asked, what is the Japanese word for the word they point at and the children will answer. It is sort of a test if the children understand. So they took turns in answering and they had fun. The children requested that they will dance the Fisherman dance and the volunteers were glad to dance with them.  Then they also danced the Maru Maru Mori Mori. After the exercises, the children were all thirsty. They went to the kitchen and drank water.


They were given an activity. The toy Japanese drum made of small paper plates with chopsticks as their stick to hold on, they are to draw angry bird, or sponge Bob or Jollibee. So everyone was busy. Afterwards, they have coloring activity. They were given a picture of angry bird and jolibee that they will color. Everybody got so busy and at exactly 12:00 noon, I let them pass their colored angry bird and jolibee with Rin, Yuri and Home’s signature on it. I will post them on our kid’s corner.


Afterwards, because it is 12:00 noon already, Lou was ready to serve her banana pancakes. Each children were given 2 big pancakes wrapped in aluminum  foil to preserve the hot pancake. Lou distributed marshmallows donated by her friend and put chocolate syrup on top of the pancakes. We distributed also the Milo drink to everyone. Some children dipped their marshmallow on the Milo drink. They all said it’s delicious. All the children enjoyed their snacks and as usual, they saved the other pancake to share to their siblings. Everyone was so “busog”. Lou also served pancakes to all the guests and I served them bottled water.


At 12:40pm, we formed a big circle and the children sang a thank you song to Lou, entitled “Thanks to You” afterwards we sang “Our Father” as our closing prayer. Before they went home, a group picture was taken.


I thanked M.E and R.M for helping Lou in preparing and cooking the pancakes and preparing the Milo drink.                                                       













3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm


Attendance: Kayla, Andrew


Ashley was 40 minutes late because she has no money to pay the jeepney. She was asking form her relatives in Tac an, Talamban for her fare.


(Chloe gave an excuse letter last Saturday because she cannot attend because she has lots of projects to be submitted on Monday and it is a group work, so she has to attend.)


(Kayla sent an excuse letter through Lily. She cannot attend the class because she has an important thing to do for her science class.)


We started at 1:15pm. We waited a little while because it was only Kayla who was there. Then Arvin came in and we started to pray the opening prayer. This time, only Yuri, Rin, Home and Lou were left. Sauri and Migomi had to go back to their school.  Kate and Arvin introduced themselves respectively. Then the Japanese student volunteers introduced themselves. Lou introduced herself and told them that she is preparing their snacks. She told them that we have to eat meals to get energy and power. They should not eat junkfoods too much because it is harmful to the body. They should eat a balance diet. They should eat pork, fish, bread, fruits and vegetables. And lastly she told them to give thanks for the food we eat.


They taught the 2 girls how to write their names in Japanese. Both are very eager to learn because they were absent last Sunday. Ashley arrived later and catch up with them. They all made an origami where they write their names in Japanese and decorated them with stickers. Home made them dog balloons where they are to choose the eyes to stick on them. Home made a sword balloon and she gave it to Andrew. Since it is 2:00pm already, they have to go to the orphanage. A group picture was taken. We serve their snacks which Lou prepared already and I gave them a pitcher of Milo. After saying farewell to all our volunteers, Lou and Mr. Kazu, they ate their snacks. It was Ashley’s turn to wash the plates and tumblers. They all brushed their teeth. They take out their other pancake as well to give to their siblings.


At 3:00pm, Andrew lead the closing prayer. Then we all went home.   


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