
Children’s Activities September 9, 2012

1st Session – Grades 2 & 3

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am


Attendance: 1) abriel 2) Eric 3) Danniel 4) Sarah


(Hanna is absent.)


I let Sarah lead the prayer “Our Father” as our opening prayer.


We have 5 new Japanese student volunteers today. They are Yuri, Home, Techi, Aina and Rin. Me and Asami are also with them. They teach them how to deal with the children.


After the children’s morning greetings to us and the guests, I let the children introduce themselves. Each and everyone took turns in telling something about themselves. Then the guests introduce themselves.


The Japanese volunteers then taught the children a Japanese song. It was just a short song but they have difficulty in saying the lyrics. I suggested to them next time please write them in a Manila paper the song so that they can pronounce well the lyrics of the song. I told them for this class, they are not that eager to learn yet because they are still young. They then teach them a song and dance B-I-N-G-O. The children are already familiar with the song. They enjoyed this so much because it is an action song. Then they played a “Trip” game. The volunteers put origami papers on the floor forming a big circle. When the music starts, they walk in a circle stepping the papers. When the music stops, they sit down on the papers. If a player can’t find a paper to sit on, he is out of the game. During every  round, they pull out 1 piece of paper until only 2 players and 1 paper left. It was Sarah and Eric who were left with 1 paper on the floor. It was Eric who won the game. Hiro and Lou drop by the office. Hiro gave 3 packs of biscuits but he just stayed outside. The children didn’t see him. Lou on the other hand was there because she has to use the toilet. She waited a little while because it was being cleaned because of the mud from the river which sipped in the rags that they put as stoppers on the bow. She then bid farewell to the children because they were heading to Talisay. They then teach the children to make a flying toy made of colored paper and a straw to put the wings on. They draw some design and they were all now excited by rubbing their two hands with the straw in between so that their toy will fly. 


Snacks were served then . They have milk and peanut butter sandwich. They finished their sandwich first and drank their milk all the way down leaving a white moustache above their mouth. They giggled after seeing each other having milk moustaches. They then wash their plates and tumblers and brushed their teeth. Afterwards, they performed a closing exercise, Maru Maru Mori Mori exercise. The volunteers joined them and they had fun. A group picture was taken afterwards.


At 10:00am, Eric  lead the closing prayer “Angel of God”.


I thanked C.G and Ma. A. M who helped me prepare the milk and peanut butter sandwich and also cleaned the messy toilet.


2nd  Session – Grades 4 to 6

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

Attendance: 1.) James  2.) Jack  3.) Maike   4.) Fortune 

                     5.) Lily  6) Charles 7.) Dorothy   8.) Anna  9.)  Ava 10.) Nikky 11.) Rachel                      



While the children are rehearsing the chicken dance exercise before we start, the Japanese student volunteers were eager to learn the dance. Then Mr. Kazu suggested that the children will perform their dance number that they presented to Ms. Eiko’s culmination. I gave Rachel’s letter to her.


At 10:30am, Fortune, Rachel and Lily lead the prayer. They sang and interpret the “You Are My All in All” song. James, Mike, Jack and Charles lead the exercise, “The  Chicken Dance”. Our Japanese student volunteers, Me, Asami, Yuri, Aina, Home, Rin and Techi also joined the exercise and they had fun. Next was the introduction of oneself. The Japanese student volunteers greeted the children. First was Techi, but pronounced as “Tech” she introduced herself and when asked what is her talent, she told the children drawing. I gave her a paper to draw because children were shouting “sample, sample”. While she was drawing, we proceed to the next volunteers. It was Home’s turn. The children pronounced “Home” as her name but she corrected them. It’s pronounced as Ho-me not home and the children giggled for their mistake. It was then the children’s turn to introduce themselves. They are all excited to hear from the children. When it was Lily’s turn, they asked her what is her talent. She said, singing. So she performed in front of them . She sang 12:51 and dedicated the song to all the volunteers. It was now James’s turn and when asked what was his talent, he showed a sample. He danced the “Call Me Maybe” song. The children including the volunteers followed the steps of James’s. They all clapped their hands of their performance. After the introduction, as requested the children danced the “Solo” dance number and Mr. Kazu joined them because he promised the children. All the volunteers also danced with the children. Next was the” Starship” dance number. The volunteers also danced with them. The volunteers and the children were all having fun. Now it was the volunteers turn to show off their talent. I remembered Me and Asami prepared a dance number, a fisherman’s dance number. All the children were amazed that all the volunteers were prepared and danced in front of them. They clapped their hands for their performance. I asked Mr. Kazu if this is a traditional dance in Japan. He said no but they all practice since they arrived here in Cebu. At this time, Techi was done with her drawing she draw a panda and wrote “It’s nice to meet you.” The children clapped their hands for their admiration to her art. Then the Japanese volunteers teach the children some games. First is the London Bridge game. 3 pairs of volunteers hold each others hands while the children walks in a circular motion and passes to all 3 pairs of volunteers with the volunteer’s hand put them up when they pass through. When the London Bridge song is finished, whoever is caught inside when they put their hands down is out of the game. Then they played Open the Basket, Close the Basket. Volunteers and children took turns in playing the game. They had so much fun.


Afterwards, because it is 12:00 noon already, they have their snacks, milk and peanut butter sandwich. I served bottledwater to the volunteers and gave them also peanut butter sandwich. Everybody ate their sandwiches. Maybe they are “gutom” because of the physical activities they teach the children. The children then washed their tumblers, and brushed their teeth. They then performed the Maru Maru Mori Mori exercise. They then gathered all the children to make a flying toy. All the children made their own flying toys. Afterwhich, it was 12:30 pm time to bid farewell to the children. We formed a big circle and squat on the floor singing :Our Father” as our closing prayer.


I thanked Y.y for helping me out during the serving of the milk and preparing the peanut butter


3rd  Session – High School

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm


Attendance: Chloe, Ashley


(Kayla sent an excuse letter through Lily. She cannot attend the class because she has an important thing to do for her science class.)


(Andrew is absent.) 


We started at 1:15pm. We waited a little while because it was only Chloe who was there. Thank God Ashley arrived so we started the session. Ashley lead the opening prayer.  Ashley was the first to introduce herself. She was asked about her talent. She sang “Danced with my Father”. They all clapped their hands after the persormance. Then it was Chloe’s turn. I have noticed that both girls are very confident already talking about their activities in school as part of their introduction. They celebrated the teacher’s day with a theme, “My teacher, my Hero”. Then the Japanese volunteers introduced themselves one by one. Ashley asked them when is their Kimono being worn. They told us, they wear their Kimono during new year. They all grab their cellphones and let the girls sees  their pictures wearing a kimono. I asked them if is it expensive? They all chorused, “Yes”. I told them that here in the Phils. We usually celebrate out debut when we reached 18 years old. But since mostly are poor, they can’t afford a debut party. Because a debutant should wear a gown and 18 young men will bring a rose and dance with the debutant. It symbolizes that the girl is now a lady and she is shown off by her parents to their friends that their little girl is now a lady.


They taught the 2 girls how to write their names in Japanese. Both are very eager to learn. It was Chloe who learned to write her name in Japanese first. I bragged to them that Chloe is an artist. I showed them Chloe’s work on the wall of Sapnay and they were amazed. I then let Chloe decorate her paper and she did a very beautiful job showing her talent as an artist. Ashley on the other hand has difficulty on writing the A in Japanese. She had to practice so many times. Afterwards, a group picture was taken. All the volunteers have to leave because they have to go to Talamban, to an orphanage. After saying farewell to all our volunteers, I served snacks to the children. They drank milk and ate their peanut butter sandwich. I also gave them the sandwiches I prepared for Kayla and Andrew. They told me they will give them to their siblings.


At 3:15pm,Chloe  lead the closing prayer. Then we all went home.   



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